Monday, January 12, 2009

RF Online: Crashes go way overboard

In RF-ph, server crashes are rampant. There are times when there would be 15-20 crashes in a day. That would mean one crash per hour. For most "legit" players, the server crashes are annoying. For me, it becomes an opportunity. For those who cannot crash a server, they just wait for these instances to happen to do "miracles". I recently found the 100% way to increase your CPs to its maximum in just one crash of a server. However, I feel that the RF community in my server is reaching its destructive state. I reckon it won't be long before the RF server will completely close because of these crashes.

I ask those who will read about this to lay down on server crashes. If possible, do it when most people are offline. And don't be too greedy. I admit, I am greedy but to a controllable point. Be constructive instead of destructive guys.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Doctors are the highest paying professionals in the U.S.

Here is the top 10 highest paid jobs in the U.S. according to the U.S. Department of Labor:

The Highest Paying Jobs in the United States
(Non-medical salaries in bold)

  1. Surgeon — $181,850
  2. Anesthesiologist — $174,610
  3. OB/GYN — $174,610
  4. Oral and maxillofacial surgeon — $169,600
  5. Internist — $156,790
  6. Prosthodontist — $156,710
  7. Orthodontist — $153,240
  8. Psychiatrist — $151,380
  9. Chief Executive Officer — $140,880
  10. Engineering Manager — $140,210
As you can see, the top 8 highest paid jobs are all specialties in the medical field. Those are all doctors. Think about it, you can earn at least 1 million a year. :) That's a lot of money. Wanna be rich? Be a U.S. doctor.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tribalwars: A guide in using selenium IDE

Ok here's how:


1. Download Selenium IDE.
2. Afterwards, install it in firefox.
3. Once all are installed,restart your firefox.
4. Open your account in tribalwars.
5. In your firefox browser, go to Tools>Selenium IDE.
6. Once selenium has started, put your server on the Base URL (located at the topmost textbox)
7. You see the red big dot on the upper right side? Its the record button. Initially it is in record mode, so all you have to do is start clicking and farming in tribalwars.
8. Save.

That's all there is to it. If you need to re-farm all the villages again, just load your saved file. :)

It is also worth noting that the commands can be editted so you can increase/decrease your LCs for example which will be sent to farm. Hope you Enjoy.

Note: For those of you who are wondering if this tool can make you get banned from tribalwars. My answer is i don't know. However, I am using this tool since World 5 and I have not yet been banned, let alone a warning during that period. :)

Tribalwars: Automated Farming using Selenium IDE

In tribalwars, resources are the most important determining factor in how fast your village would grow. Farming in general consists of having to attack villages (most of the time Barbarian villages) to plunder their resources. Farming multiple villages is a tedious process and would be time consuming at that. Here is my method in automated farming...Selenium IDE.

Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium tests. It is implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows you to record, edit, and debug tests. Selenium IDE includes the entire Selenium Core, allowing you to easily and quickly record and play back tests in the actual environment that they will run. This means that we can run the tests in the actual tribalwars site.

Here's a screenie:

There you go. One click and you're done. Farming till you exhaust all your farm's resources.

For those of you who don't know how to use this tool, I will post a guide later on. :)


RF Online: Got Myself A New Elemental

Yesterday, while I was selling my EGs (Elite Gems), I came to a point where my bank was maxed out (1 billion CP) and i have still 800M in my character. So I thought, "what the heck, I'll buy a new item". So I went to the UTS and browsed on the weapons and armors. Nothing caught my attention. However, I found a nicely priced elem (25/25 attack/defense headset) in the UTS. I said nicely priced because it was way low than your average 25/25 headset. I thought it was a dupe item but I didn't care. The next patch is far far away that I could enjoy it more. Well, we lost 3 consecutive CWs, so nothing more to share. :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

RF Online: Accidental Dupe

Last night, I was trading some of my ores to my main character to be processed (more EGs baby!), when suddenly the server went down right after the trade was done. I thought "damn, another crash. Now I'm gonna have to do the trade again." When the server came back again, to my surprise, my main character had the ores as well as my other character. :) Talk about accidental dupe, or rather trading at the right time. :) Maybe some of you readers may have an idea how those bastards (dupers) do their dirty work.

P.S. For information purposes, I am not a duper. I don't know how to dupe and I don't want to.

RF Botting: earning 500M CP/dalant/disena per day

Im a fan of RF online. I play in RF-ph. This is my story where I got 500+M in one day.

Jan 5, 2009. 3pm. My friend and I was trading with a couple of things (CP, weapons, ores). Although I've played RF many times now, I still don't know the game's economy. So we were processing some ores which gave EGs (Elite Gems). Little did I know that these gems costs 15-20M per set (which means 1 of each kind of gems; there are 4 kinds). I was shocked to know that 2 sets could cost around 30M minimum. Then it struck me. I had the resources to make myself a billionare in 2 was because I have a RF bot. Some of you may know its name, some of you may not. This tool enables me to log in 5+ accounts which can mine much, much faster than other players.

I've done the math: in mining mode, you mine 1 +4 ore per 15 second (that's 4 ores per minute). In 6 hours, you'll get at least 12 bags of ores. Let's say I have 10 accounts mining simultaneously, i'll have 120 bags of ores per 6 hours. Assuming that you get 2-3 gems per bag, you get 240-360 gems, that's approximately 51 sets of gems. 51 sets cost 765,000,000 if you sell it at a 15M/set price. :) That's how much you'll get in 6 hours. Imagine if your race won 3 consecutive chip wars. :)

For those of you wondering which bot I'm talking about, visit this site: Of course, you won't get the bot for free. It costs around P5,000 ($100).

First Post


–noun. insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.

This blog is about man's thirst for riches, sometimes uncontrollable which consumes that person. It also tackles some of my own addictions and escapades which either makes me earn or spend money. Enjoy reading!

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