Thursday, January 8, 2009

RF Botting: earning 500M CP/dalant/disena per day

Im a fan of RF online. I play in RF-ph. This is my story where I got 500+M in one day.

Jan 5, 2009. 3pm. My friend and I was trading with a couple of things (CP, weapons, ores). Although I've played RF many times now, I still don't know the game's economy. So we were processing some ores which gave EGs (Elite Gems). Little did I know that these gems costs 15-20M per set (which means 1 of each kind of gems; there are 4 kinds). I was shocked to know that 2 sets could cost around 30M minimum. Then it struck me. I had the resources to make myself a billionare in 2 was because I have a RF bot. Some of you may know its name, some of you may not. This tool enables me to log in 5+ accounts which can mine much, much faster than other players.

I've done the math: in mining mode, you mine 1 +4 ore per 15 second (that's 4 ores per minute). In 6 hours, you'll get at least 12 bags of ores. Let's say I have 10 accounts mining simultaneously, i'll have 120 bags of ores per 6 hours. Assuming that you get 2-3 gems per bag, you get 240-360 gems, that's approximately 51 sets of gems. 51 sets cost 765,000,000 if you sell it at a 15M/set price. :) That's how much you'll get in 6 hours. Imagine if your race won 3 consecutive chip wars. :)

For those of you wondering which bot I'm talking about, visit this site: Of course, you won't get the bot for free. It costs around P5,000 ($100).


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